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Dear Lions,
1st July 2020 marks the new term for all the cabinet officers and key officers. Various installation and Fellowship will be organized. Our Lions are excited to join such events as we are able to meet around with our old buddies from different Region or Zone.
Although the Covid-19 cases have reduced, self-control played a key role to break the chain of the virus infection in the community.
As Lions, we urged all the members to practice social distancing while taking Group photos, attending seminar/ functions and etc. Social distancing is crucial for preventing the spread of contagious illnesses such as COVID-19 (coronavirus).
Let us adopt “New Normal” by practicing social distancing in order to minimize the amount of close contact and as responsible Lions to lead by Example in order to prevent the spread of the infection.
*Your action is able to protect your loves ones and our community! *
Thank you.
Yours in Lionism,
Terrence Chen
Cabinet Secretary
cc: District Governor

虽然新型冠状病毒肺炎目前已明显减少, 但自律还是需要的,以降低社区感染。

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