[District 308-A2] Kindness Matters Service Award by LCI

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Dear Lions,
This prestigious award is given annually to a handful of Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of our global cause areas. Nominated at the club level, the Kindness Matters Service Award is a challenge for Lions and Leos to develop exceptionally innovative and creative service projects with the aim of leaving a positive impact in their communities.
A total 20 awards this year will be awarded to 18 Lions clubs and, at minimum, two Leo clubs that:
– Are in active status
–  Reported their project(s) in MyLion® or regional reporting system
For more information about this award, please look for the detail information at https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/kindness-matters-service-award and please note the timeline as below.
  • July 1: Nominations are open
  • August 15: Deadline for club service chairpersons and Leo club presidents to electronically send one nomination to the District GST coordinator
  • September 15: Deadline for District GST coordinator to electronically send one nomination to the Multiple District GST coordinator
  • October 31: Deadline for Multiple District GST coordinator to electronically send one nomination to Lions Clubs International
  • January: Winners are selected by the LCI Board of Directors Service Activities Committee
  • January 15: Winning clubs notified 
  • March 1: Winning clubs to receive their award from Lions Clubs International
If you need any further clarification, kindly contact LCI @ serviceactivities@lionsclubs.org 

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